Aris Allen Men's Molded Foam Insoles
$ 9.95
- Incredibly comfortable molded foam insoles.
- Identical to the ones found inside our men's dance sneakers.
- Very comfy thick, molded, closed cell foam topped with fabric.
- They are not made specifically to offer extra arch support or heel support - they are just made for adding molded-to-your-foot high quality foam to the inside of your shoes.
- NOTE: We made these because we get lots of calls asking if we sell them separately. THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY FOR ANY OF THE SHOES IN OUR LINE - in fact, they probably won't fit inside them (except for our sneakers - and they already come with them inside). We made them because we got so many requests from dancers who love the ones in our sneakers.
- Please check the measurements on our size chart before placing your order.
- Item #: 1022-BK
- Molded closed cell foam with fabric tops.
- Please look at the measurements on our chart before ordering - pay special attention to the thickness.
- These are very high quality, very thick insoles. They will add about 1/2" to your height.
It is very difficult to measure the inside of most shoes. If you want to be sure: cut a piece of cardboard to our specs and make sure it fits your shoes. You can trim the front of these insoles with scissors but the back of these will be almost impossible to cut. And remember that the back of these is so thick it will raise your heel up by a bit more than half an inch.
Please note: These measurements are approximate and may vary slightly from pair to pair.